Membership Benefits

Ordinary Membership

For consultant cardiologists, those in career-grade posts...

Ordinary Membership

Ordinary Membership is for consultant cardiologists/SAS doctors/nurses/physiologists/basic scientists and GPs with a special interest in cardiology, and costs £344. This membership category offers the highest level of benefit, including free early bird booking for the annual BCS conference in June - the largest cardiology conference in the UK.


  • Free early bird registration for the annual BCS conference, saving you hundreds of pounds
  • Free access to all our online educational materials, including:
    • BCS Digital Knowledge Hub – your one-stop shop for educational videos
    • BCS Editorials - brief review articles written by BCS sub-editors who are cardiology specialist trainees
    • BCS Heartbeat – news and reviews of recently published research written by BCS editors who are cardiology specialist trainees
  • Reduced fees for all BCS courses
  • Free access to the online version of our official journals Heart and OpenHeart, published with BMJ Journals, with discounts on the paper edition, and an exclusive 25% APC discount on publishing in Open Heart
  • Free access to the BCS Discussion Group on MedShr (Website & App)
  • Free access to third party publications such as the ESC Textbook, JACC and more
  • Eligibility to stand and/or nominate colleagues for any BCS position and to vote
  • BCS members can take advantage of a 15% discount on RSM membership - join here using the code BCS15.
Apply now back

If you were previously a member of the BCS and wish to re-join, please click here to send an email to the membership team, including your full name and membership number (if you have this). A member of the team will re-activate your existing membership to allow you to set up a new direct debit within your My BCS website account area.

After a few years in which membership subscriptions were frozen, membership subscriptions now increase each year in line with CPI. This enables the BCS to maintain and improve the services offered to members.